Answer: TAT
TAT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 306 times.
Referring Clues:
- Sylvester, to Tweety Pie
- Use a shuttle
- Tit for ___
- Make an antimacassar
- Part of an exchange
- Work on a doily
- "I tought I taw a putty ___"
- Make 50-Across
- Exchange for 53-Down
- Rat-a-___
- Make tiny knots
- Work with a shuttle
- Sylvester, to Tweety
- Do doilies
- Feline, to Tweety
- Make doilies
- Wield a shuttle
- Work at lacemaking
- Part of an automatic gunfire sound
- Make lace
- Do lacework
- Part of a swap?
- See 96-Across
- Make a doily
- Part of retribution
- Bit of body art, in modern slang
- Inked art, for short
- Body artwork, briefly
- Bit of retribution
- Skin pic?
- Fashion a doily
- Parlor piece, for short?
- End of a machine gun sound
- Reciprocal action
- "Mom" in a heart, maybe, for short
- Parlor pic
- One side of an exchange
- What Tweety "tawt" he "taw"
- "I tawt I taw a puddy ___!"
- "I tawt I taw a puddy ___"
- Machine gun syllable
- Edge a doily
- Skin decoration, for short
- End of a retaliatory phrase
- Part of a drumbeat
- Skin design, for short
- What Tweety tawt he taw
- Bit of body art, for short
- Rat-a-___ (drum sound)
- Half of an exchange
- Body art, briefly
- "Trip for ___" (Tweety and Sylvester cartoon title)
- Tit for __
- Bit of art on a chest, in slang
- One might read "Mom," for short
- Puddy ___ (Sylvester, to Tweety)
- Brand of flypaper
- Work a shuttle
- Make picots, e.g.
- Drawn back thing, for short
- Work on an antimacassar, perhaps
- Enhance a handkerchief, maybe
- Part of a repartee
- Part of a retaliatory exchange
- The enemy, in Tweetyspeak
- Sylvester, to Tweety Bird
- ''I tawt I taw a puddy __!''
- Half a proverbial exchange
- Needle work, for short
- Arm art, for short
- Body art, for short
- Knot and loop
- End of an exchange?
- Bit of body art, slangily
- Make a type of lace
- Use a hand shuttle, e.g.
- Make lacework by looping
- Make lace, in a way
- Create lace
- Use a shuttle, in a way
- Work at lacemaking, in a way
- Create using shuttles and thread
- Create knotted lace
- Make lacework
- Use a lace shuttle
- Make a doily, say
- Repeatedly tie the knot?
- Use a hand shuttle
- Part of a retribution phrase
- Bit of body art, briefly
- Machine-gun sound syllable
- Bit of skin art, slangily
- Many a gang symbol, for short
- Work at lace-making
- Body art, in slang
- "LA Ink" body pic
- Sylvester, in Tweetyspeak
- One might be dedicated to Mom, briefly
- Skin art, slangily
- Repeated machine gun sound
- Do some lacework
- Bit of ink
- Body pic
- Body design, in brief
- Rat-a- ---
- Knot lace
- Body image of a sort, for short
- Pelvic pic, e.g.
- Pic on a pec
- Skin pic
- NBA body decoration, for short
- Bit of body art
- Baller's decoration
- Body image, briefly
- Weave
- Skin design, briefly
- Pec pic, perhaps
- Create fabric
- "I tawt I taw a putty ___"
- B-baller's decoration
- Ink spots, briefly?
- Parlor decoration?
- Skin art, for short
- Tit-for- ___
- Make 41-Down
- Bit of body art, in slang
- Rat-a- ___
- 'I tought I taw a puddy ___!'
- Ankle artwork, briefly
- Intertwine
- Tribal band, for example
- Gang identifier, for short
- Tramp stamp, e.g.
- Bit of artwork seen in NBA games
- One might be tribal, for short
- Don Ed Hardy design, briefly
- "I Tawt I Taw a Puddy ___" (1950 song)
- Bit of body art, informally
- Truncated parlor piece?
- One might have "Mom" in a heart, briefly
- Needlework, for short?
- Bit of ink, slangily
- Art on skin, slangily
- Part of an equitable trade, figuratively speaking
- Wave
- Bit of needlework
- Weave, in a way
- Bit of ink, for short
- Arm decoration, for short
- Machine-gun syllable
- Art to dye for?
- Parlor work, briefly
- Work on an arm, maybe
- Art on the reality show "Ink Master"
- Parlor product, for short
- Mike Tyson facial feature, for short
- End of a machine-gun sound
- Part of retribution, in a phrase
- Ink, as it were
- Art in a parlor
- Picture on a chest, for short?
- Bit of needlework?
- Bit of skin art, informally
- Ink
- Image on a 42-Down, briefly
- Pic on a pec, perhaps
- Gang symbol, for short
- Queequeg feature, briefly
- Parlor design, perhaps
- Body work, briefly
- Make edging
- Make trimming
- Tit-for-___
- Forever stamp?
- Slangy bit of body art
- Skin ink, casually
- Decoration on skin, briefly
- Hand pic, perhaps
- Bicep image, briefly
- Art on an arm, for short
- Parlor ink, for short
- Make edging lace
- Proverbial cause for revenge
- Indelible-ink design, for short
- Repeated machine-gun sound
- Machine gun sound effect
- Body image, for short
- Design on skin, in brief
- Make a fine design
- Skin art, briefly
- Parlor decoration
- Many a pro athlete's pride
- Result of needling someone?
- Do an antimacassar
- Half a repartee
- Body art, briefly ... and, initially, a hint to this puzzle's four longest answers
- Bit of body art, in brief
- Parlor design
- Bit of body ink
- Ink on a delt, say
- Make alencon
- Bit of ink art
- Work with bobbin and thread
- Skin coloring, briefly?
- Slang for a picture on skin
- Inked design, for short
- Henna product
- Body design, briefly
- Something you might get with a piercing, informally
- Skin art, informally
- Inked-skin design, in slang
- Pec pic, say
- Parlor art, for short
- Body art
- Parlor picture, informally
- Matter of retaliation
- It may be a hip design, informally
- "LA Ink" art, briefly
- Do a handicraft
- Body art, informally
- Art on an arm
- Art on biceps
- "Ink Master" design, for short
- Arm art, briefly
- Skin engraving
- Arm art
- What Tweety calls his adversary
- Indian matting
- "NY Ink" design
- Brief body art
- Body image?
- Ankle pic
- Body work, in brief
- Pic on an ankle, perhaps
- Body ink, slangily
- Body ink, briefly
- Ankle pic, perhaps
- Pic purchased at a parlor
- Ink spot?
- Parlor artist's pic
- Pic on a wrist, perhaps
- Pic from a parlor
- Poor quality ornaments
- Abstract unit of exchange
- "Ink Master" pic
- Work with lace
- Biceps pic, say
- Pec image, say
- Work on a bobbin
- Inker's artwork
- Pic on your arm, perhaps
- Image on an arm
- Knocker syllable
- Parlor design, briefly
- "Mom" on a bicep, e.g.
- Picture from a parlor, informally
- Parlor creation, for short
- Bit of body ink, for short
- Flower pic on your arm, say
- Palindromic pic
- Work with a needle, informally
- Art on ankles, perhaps
- Parlor's production
- Pic picked in a parlor
- Bit of ink?
- Bit of needle work
- Ankle art, often
- Neck design, for short
- Pic on a pec, say
- Palindromic bit of ink
- Butterfly on your hand, e.g., briefly?
- Parlor image, briefly
- Hand pic, maybe
- Pic that might use 16-Across
- Popeye's anchor, e.g., for short
- Bit of arm art
- Skin art, in brief
- Use a shuttle, say
- Pic that's costly to remove
- Heart on one's sleeve, for short?
- Needlework verb or noun
- Body ink, for short
- Bit of permanent body art, for short
- Small parlor piece?
- Beauty that's only skin deep, for short?
- Bit of skin ink, informally
- Piece of body art, for short
- Half an even exchange
- Parlor offering, for short
- Stick-and-poke art, for short
- Parlor decoration, for short
- Counterpart of 76-Down
- Parlor art, informally
- Ragged article
- Shabby article
- Show affection for mom?
- Bit of skin ink
- Pic on an ankle
- Part of a sleeve, in brief
- Permanent body art
- Bit of ink, familiarly
- Bit of ink on a forearm, for example
- Picture you carry everywhere, for short?
- Sleeve element, for short
- Self image?
- Body art, in brief
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 03, 2025
- New York Times - February 24, 2025
- USA Today - February 07, 2025
- LA Times - January 24, 2025
- New York Times - January 13, 2025
- New York Times - January 12, 2025
- LA Times - December 28, 2024
- LA Times - December 11, 2024
- New York Times - November 17, 2024
- New York Times - October 27, 2024
- LA Times - October 22, 2024
- USA Today - October 21, 2024
- LA Times - September 20, 2024
- New York Times - August 25, 2024
- LA Times - August 18, 2024
- New York Times - August 06, 2024
- New York Times - July 21, 2024
- USA Today - July 18, 2024
- LA Times - July 05, 2024
- USA Today - June 18, 2024
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