Answer: MARS
MARS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 216 times.
Referring Clues:
- "The War of the Worlds" base
- Either "M" of M&M's
- Olympus Mons's locale
- Pathfinder's locale
- Sojourner's resting place
- Olympus Mons site
- Where the Vikings landed
- Milky Way maker
- Global Surveyor's destination
- One of the worlds in "The War of the Worlds"
- Third-smallest of nine
- "Total Recall" setting
- Phobos orbits it
- Pathfinder's target
- Sci-fi setting
- "Invaders From ___" (1953 sci-fi)
- Viking's destination
- Maker of Twix and Starburst
- Pathfinder explored it
- Twix candy maker
- The Red Planet
- Snickers alternative
- Land of Opportunity?
- ___ rover
- Neighbor of Earth
- Deimos orbits it
- Home of the invaders in Wells's "The War of the Worlds"
- Viking landing site
- Location of Olympus Mons
- Planet in a 1938 radio "invasion"
- "Mission to ___" (2000 movie)
- Earth's outer neighbor
- Big name in candy bars
- "The War of the Worlds" world
- "Visiting team" in "War of the Worlds"
- Earth neighbor
- "War of the Worlds" world
- Where to find Utopia Plains
- Red planet
- "Total Recall" planet
- Bellicose Roman god
- Fourth rock from the sun
- "The War of the Worlds" home planet
- Where Spirit was a rover
- "Invaders From ___" (1953 sci-fi movie)
- Candy bar maker
- Roman god of war
- "___ Attacks!" (1996 Tim Burton movie)
- Jupiter neighbor
- Phoenix landing site, 2008
- Planet between Earth and Jupiter
- Pathfinder's destination
- Vikings explored it
- Octet member with the shortest name
- "The War of the Worlds" enemy
- Son of Juno
- Viking I destination
- Fourth of eight, now
- Common bar name
- Fourth planet
- Scratches up
- Deimos circles it
- Fourth planet from the Sun
- TV detective Veronica
- Astronomical neighbor
- Ares alias
- Planet beyond Earth
- Scratches, perhaps
- Nearby orb
- ''War of the Worlds'' world
- Where Viking 1 landed
- ''War of the Worlds'' foe
- God of war
- Noted candy company
- Vikings' landing site
- Where Vikings explored?
- Pathfinder's path
- Popular sci-fi site
- Snickers producer
- Sci-fi landing site, sometimes
- Where the Vikings landed?
- Big red planet
- Fourth in a celestial progression
- Global Surveyor subject
- Utopia Planitia setting
- Sci-fi landing site, perhaps
- Popular sci-fi locale
- Utopia Plains setting
- Where the Pathfinder landed
- Rover's home
- Milky Way creator
- Setting for many sci-fi films
- Company that produces Snickers
- Neighbor of Jupiter
- "War of the Worlds" foe
- Its tallest point is Olympus Mons
- Opening movement of Holst's "The Planets"
- Viking's landing place
- "Just the Way You Are" Grammy winner Bruno
- "The Sands of ___" (Arthur C. Clarke's first science fiction novel)
- Hershey rival
- Maker of 31-Across
- Lacus Solis locale
- "Grenade" singer Bruno
- Earth's neighbor
- Warring god
- 'War of the Worlds' world
- Pathfinder destination
- Ruins the veneer
- Rover's destination
- NASA destination
- 'The red planet'
- "The War of the Worlds" planet
- Planet fourth nearest to the sun
- Singer Bruno
- Curiosity destination
- Science fiction site
- "Curiosity" rover's destination
- "The War of the Worlds" foe
- Neighboring planet
- "Curiosity" probe's destination
- Site of the volcano Olympus Mons
- Heavy book
- Curiosity's planet
- Bar in a brown wrapper
- Romans' 16-Down
- Roman 18-Across
- Setting of the 2012 film "John Carter"
- Curiosity's destination
- Rover's turf
- Target of NASA's Rover mission
- Three rocks past Mercury
- Viking destination
- It orbits around the sun
- One of the planets
- Holst subject
- Twix maker
- Viking mission
- Blemishes
- Rover exploration site
- Where Spirit landed in 2004
- Rover's planet
- Curiosity's locale
- Where Curiosity landed
- Terra cimmeria setting
- Scratches
- Chocolate treat since 1932
- Where Curiosity roves
- Maker of Milky Way and Twix
- Men's home?
- Owner of Whiskas cat food
- Where men are from?
- Milky Way source
- Fourth of eight
- Damon's home in a 2015 film
- Nix Olympica's locale
- Where Vikings landed
- March, in Matane
- Where Matt Damon was stranded in a 2015 film
- Where modern-day Vikings explored
- Opportunity's on it
- Roman warmonger
- "The Red Planet"
- Uncle Martin's home planet on "My Favorite Martian"
- First "M" of M&M's
- Big name in bars
- Patron of Roman husbandmen
- Mount Olympus, at 72,000 feet, is its highest peak
- Flash gordon serial site
- "Just the Way You Are" singer Bruno
- Neighbor of the asteroid belt
- Ares, in Rome
- Bruno with 11 Grammys
- Planet near Earth
- Place in space
- Home to the 72,000-foot volcano Olympus Mons
- Counterpart of Venus
- Father of Remus
- Home for NASA's insight lander
- Planet visited by InSight
- "Finesse" singer Bruno
- Curiosity rover's planet
- Second-smallest planet
- What areology is the study of
- Rover's territory
- "Veronica ___": teen drama starring Kristen Bell
- Damage
- Planned destination of the Rosalind Franklin rover
- Planet with polar ice caps
- M&M's maker
- "24K Magic" singer Bruno
- Where Mark Watney grew potatoes in a 2015 film
- Rust-colored planet
- Home planet of many fictional aliens
- Singer Bruno who won six 2017 Grammy Awards
- Second-smallest of eight
- Inner planet that's farthest from the sun
- "Red planet" beyond Earth
- The fourth planet
- Snickers maker
- Perseverance rover's planet
- What two Vikings have explored
- Perseverance rover's location
- Damages
- Fourth planet mentioned in "Interplanet Janet"
- What Phobos orbits
- Locale of the Perseverance rover
- See 14-Across
- Perseverance's home
- Destination for NASA's Perseverance rover
- "Stars on ___": reality show hosted by William Shatner
- "Uptown Funk" singer Bruno
- Home to the largest known volcano in the solar system
- Planet explored by the Opportunity rover
- Red rover home
- Planet simulated by NASA on Mauna Loa
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 25, 2025
- New York Times - February 02, 2025
- LA Times - January 21, 2025
- LA Times - December 23, 2024
- USA Today - September 13, 2024
- LA Times - August 14, 2024
- USA Today - April 30, 2024
- LA Times - March 07, 2024
- LA Times - February 13, 2024
- USA Today - December 28, 2023
- LA Times - October 23, 2023
- LA Times - September 14, 2023
- New York Times - May 02, 2023
- LA Times - February 24, 2023
- USA Today - February 03, 2023
- LA Times - September 07, 2022
- New York Times - August 31, 2022
- USA Today - August 29, 2022
- USA Today - August 04, 2022
- LA Times - May 15, 2022
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