Answer: DIE
DIE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 312 times.
Referring Clues:
- Fade out
- Random number generator
- It might show its face in Vegas
- Go out, as a flame
- Screw cutter
- Bomb at a comedy club
- Conk out
- It's spotted in casinos
- Expire
- It may get thrown for a loss
- Go out
- Go kaput
- Stop running
- One of a craps pair
- Trivial Pursuit need
- It may be loaded
- More than slow down
- Game piece
- Stop
- It's spotted at a casino
- Repeated cry to a vampire
- Fall flat
- Randomizer
- Casino cube
- Run out of steam
- Fizzle out
- Give up
- Give out
- Six-sided game piece
- Become extinct, with "out"
- It has 21 spots
- Manufacturer's need
- When repeated, a classic horror movie line
- It may be loaded at the casino
- Become extinct
- "__ Lorelei" (Heinrich Heine poem)
- Quit working
- Cry repeated to a vampire
- Mint device
- Go out, as embers
- Pip location
- 63-Across device
- Gambler's cube
- Bite the dust
- Feel highly embarrassed, in teenspeak
- Run out of gas, say
- Factory staple
- It's rolled in a casino
- Reno roller
- Sputter and stall
- Never say this
- Yahtzee cube
- Cube with 21 dots
- It is cast
- Cookie cutter
- Rolling cube
- Casino roller
- Fade away
- Numbered cube
- Cube in a Yahtzee box
- Subside, with "down"
- "___ Another Day" (James Bond flick)
- Cube that's tossed
- Coin stamper
- Quit, as an engine
- Stop working
- "___ Hard"
- German article
- Spotted cube
- Give up the ghost
- Vegas cube
- Reach the end
- Board game cube
- Cube with 21 pips
- Cash in one's chips
- Pass on
- Clue requisite
- Trivial Pursuit piece
- Thing inside a Pop-o-matic in the game Trouble
- Probability class manipulative
- Trouble bubble contents
- Kick the bucket
- Angry cry to a vampire
- Fizzle
- Craps cube
- Money-coining device
- It's cast at a casino
- Game cube
- Cast piece
- Board-game accessory
- Board-game cube
- Tool's partner
- Tool partner
- Cube with pips
- Cube to roll
- It may be cast
- Peter out
- Dotted cube
- "Live and Let ___"
- Engraved stamp
- Tossed cube
- Cube with spots
- Word in the title of four Bruce Willis films
- ''Only the Good ___ Young''
- What a battery will do eventually
- Something to cast
- High roller's roller
- Vegas roller
- One landing with a turned-up face
- What immortals never do
- Do alternative
- "Yahtzee" cube
- Board game roller
- It can be cast
- Come to nothing
- Cease to function
- Do's alternative
- Cubic roller
- Tool and ___ set
- "Only the Good ___ Young"
- It makes an impression
- Item with 21 spots
- Break down
- Tool's mate
- Conk out, as an engine
- Shuffle off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and join the bleedin' choir invisible
- Cry repeated while stabbing a vampire with a stake
- Perish
- Pass away
- Cube
- Last word of Romeo or Juliet
- Gaming cube
- Monopoly cube
- One of a Vegas pair
- "Do" alternative
- Atlantic City roller
- When repeated, cry to a vampire
- Metal-shaping block
- Quit running
- Casting item
- Become extinct (with "out")
- Backgammon cube
- Backgammon piece
- Lose power
- Wither
- Half a Vegas pair
- Cease to be
- Do-or- ___
- Totally conk out
- Not survive
- One of two in Monopoly
- 'Trivial Pursuit' need
- Repeated cry when sticking a stake in a vampire
- "Cross my heart and hope to ___!"
- Cube with dots
- "It requires more courage to suffer than to ___": Napoleon Bonaparte
- Cube at a casino
- Cube that rolls
- Reno randomizer
- Go pfft, as an engine
- Mold
- It's spotted in a casino
- Go out, as a fire
- Probability class prop
- "___ Hard" (Willis film)
- Las Vegas cube
- Thing with pips
- Stop working, as batteries
- Use it to get a snake eye
- Flatline
- "The ___ is cast"
- "A Good Day to ___ Hard" (2013 Bruce Willis movie)
- Six-sided randomizer
- "___ Another Day" (Bond flick)
- Dice
- Something you should never say?
- "___ Hard" (1988)
- Fall flat or fizzle
- What champions never say
- Common game piece
- Stamping tool
- Las Vegas block?
- Cubes
- Laughing leader?
- Board game component, often
- Stop existing
- Board-game roller
- Roller with pips
- Alternative to a spinner in a board game
- Half a casino pair
- Alternative to a spinner
- Game of Clue need
- Parcheesi cube
- Las Vegas block
- One of a numbered pair
- Trivial Pursuit prop
- Succumb
- Last word of New Hampshire's motto
- Big roller at a casino
- Lose all power
- Willis's "___ Hard"
- Board-game piece
- Gambling cube
- Risk roller
- Where to see spots?
- Poop out
- Monopoly item
- Forging device
- Yahtzee item
- It's spotted at a casino?
- Go pfft
- Cease to exist
- The ___ is cast
- Repeated cry when stabbing a vampire
- Roller in Vegas
- Dime-making stamp
- Coin-making stamp
- Six-sided roller
- Randomizing cube
- Place for pips
- Funny or ___ (comedy website)
- Rolled item
- One of five in Yahtzee
- Six-sided gaming piece
- Something that may be loaded
- Boneshaker's cube
- Go "pfft"
- ______ on the order paper
- Kick off
- Mint apparatus
- One usually has six sides
- Fadeout
- Machine piece
- Stop working for good
- Coinmaking tool
- Run out of power
- Occasional high roller in a casino
- One of a Monopoly pair
- Dungeons & Dragons piece
- Certain nutritionist
- One of two needed to strike a coin
- Randomizer in many games
- Game item
- Chuck-a-luck cube
- Stop working, as an engine
- Stamping device
- Machine shop punch
- It's often cast
- Go defunct
- Sine ___ (indefinitely)
- Board game randomizer
- Bomb with the audience
- "Live Free or ___"
- Piece in many board games
- 21-spot item, typically
- Cutting tool
- Something thrown to see who goes first
- Fritz out
- It can be a high roller
- Bit of board game equipment
- Drop to zero battery
- Cube in Monopoly
- Stamp for a coin
- Stop functioning
- Hard-plastic roller
- Become defunct
- Cube that's rolled
- Lose juice entirely
- Run out of juice
- A side of one looks like [: :]
- Money-making device
- Item in Trouble's Pop-O-Matic
- Something blown on for good luck
- One of two rolled in a craps game
- Casino item
- It's spotted at the craps table
- "The ___ is cast!"
- Tool and ___ company
- "Thus with a kiss I ___": Romeo
- It may be 20-sided
- Rolled game piece
- Half of a Monopoly pair
- "Roll for initiative" item
- Mahjong cube
- Drop to 0%
- Piece of many board games
- Run out of electricity
- Lose power, as a battery
- Just roll with it!
- A 20-sided one may be used in Dungeons & Dragons
- One might be loaded
- Item rolled in a mahjong game
- Reach 0% battery
- See 37-Across
- Feminine German article
- Game piece with multiple faces
- Roll it
- Get to 0% battery
- One of 36 cubes in Super Big Boggle
- fledermaus
- 20-sided game piece in Dungeons & Dragons
- Scattergories game piece with 20 sides
- Twenty-sided RPG piece
- "Old habits ___ screaming" ("The Black Dog" lyric)
- Run out of battery
- Rolled component of many board games
- Block in Atlantic City
- Stop working, as a battery
- Sputter out
- Fall to 0% battery
- One of three in bunco
- Six-sided Yahtzee component
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - March 28, 2025
- LA Times - March 21, 2025
- New York Times - February 26, 2025
- USA Today - February 25, 2025
- USA Today - January 29, 2025
- New York Times - January 28, 2025
- New York Times - January 07, 2025
- USA Today - December 30, 2024
- LA Times - December 06, 2024
- LA Times - December 05, 2024
- LA Times - November 10, 2024
- LA Times - October 30, 2024
- New York Times - October 24, 2024
- LA Times - September 13, 2024
- USA Today - August 14, 2024
- USA Today - August 12, 2024
- USA Today - July 18, 2024
- New York Times - June 30, 2024
- USA Today - June 20, 2024
- LA Times - April 30, 2024
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